Create More Wealth Hypnobreathwork Series: Intuitive Spending

I am so excited to be sharing with you all a five-part hypnobreathwork series to help you release your money blocks and increase wealth. For the next 5 Tuesdays, there will be a new breathwork session available to walk you through each part of this journey. For those new to hypnobreathwork, it is a combination of breathwork, hypnosis, and visioning practices.

This five-part series is a small snippet of my signature 10-week Wealth Catalyst program to help entrepreneurs step into new levels of wealth through the release of generational patterns associated with money. Looking at wealth through a more holistic lens, Wealth Catalyst will help you in all aspects of wealth - emotional, spiritual, physical, and financial.

Part 3 of this five-week hypnobreathwork series is to help us master intuitive spending. The purpose of this session is to help you tap into cues of your intuition and know what it is that you desire. We will continue the journey, stepping into new places, and new discomforts, with a calm and regulated nervous system.


Join the Wealth-Catalyst Program Here:

*Connect with me on IG @corene.phelps