Healing Through Harmony: The Science of Sound Healing

Join Corey Phelps for a discussion on holistic wellness and the transformative power of sound healing with her guest Samantha Harper. Samantha is a soulful practitioner in the field of holistic wellness ready to share her expertise and passion for helping others find balance and healing.

With a background as a therapist, Samantha's journey towards sound healing is a testament to her dedication to the holistic approach to well-being. She explains the science behind sound healing and how each chakra holds unique frequencies that can impact one's overall well-being. By utilizing a combination of techniques, Samantha demonstrates how sound therapy can bring balance and harmony to the body and mind.

You'll find yourself inspired by the story of those who have been a positive influence in Samantha's life. The Sound Vault, her latest project, offers a truly immersive and transformative experience for those seeking holistic wellness.

Tune in for an enlightening conversation with Samantha Harper and to embark on a journey towards wholeness and rejuvenation through the transformative power of sound healing.

* Check out the sound vault and Samantha's website for more information and resources https://www.samanthaharper.com/
* Connect with Samantha on IG @sam_e_pants
* Connect with me on IG @corene.phelps