Uncover the beliefs about wealth and money that are blocking you from making your dreams your living reality!
a FREE workbook by Corene Phelps

Meet Corey
A native Washingtonian, single mom, dog lover & sunshine chaser. Corey is a Master NLP Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Business & Life Success Coach. Corey started her personal development journey after the birth of her daughter. She was in a career that made her miserable, and she knew she was meant for more. Unwilling to settle for a mediocre existence, she became obsessed with what creates peak performance and how to harness untapped potential.
The last 10 years have been a crash course in self-love, business, community building, empowerment, becoming resourceful despite a lack of resources, and doing what it takes to just freakin' go for it. Her mission is to help others discover their inner power and create abundance & freedom in business and life.